21 December 2012 Part 2

---Refer to part 1 : http://justlimz.blogspot.com/2008/11/will-world-end-at-2012.html -----
Before you continue reading the explaination on 2012, end of the world part 2, let us see a trailer of 2012 movie which will be out on 2009.

21 December 2012 Part 2 Continue
Surprisingly, i have just found out that the ancient chinese I-ching, according to Terence Mc keena, also ended at 21 december 2012. Although I ching is a book to predict future and human, Mc Keena argued that it also showed of the development of civilization of the world, the rise and down. I do not know how he can come to that solution but it supports the Mayan prophecies, and sumerian and hopi indian prophecies of planet nibiru, nostradamus and the book of revelation (if the antichrist mentioned really have a connection to Obama-refer to part 1-above-).

Please watch this video yourself. It was taken from the History Channel.

Also i have something to add. About two year ago, i have read a news about a tibetan monk who claim to have see UFO and during his remote viewing, he also saw a supranatural power saving the earth from its self destruction at 2012. He claimed that something will happened between 2010-2012 and the also mentioned that beyond 2012, our science and technology which was based on material physical, and chemistry will be replace by a spiritual and people from all around the world will realized that the ultimate science does not lies in material world but in spiritual world. During the years 2006-present there has been an increasing number of UFOs sighting in India and China.

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