Managing Emotion Part 1

Emotions are an internal actions/forces(belief, feeling) which was the result of an external factors (surroundings actions towards you). Some examples of emotion are happy-sad, angry-calm, and etc. We show our emotions usually to someone that we know; the deeper our relations with them, the bigger their actions affect your emotion. Imagine when your close kin had an accident and one of your school mate whom you barely met had an accident. Your emotion would be deeper for your close kin because there's some kind of connection/ relationships between you. You have the empathy as well as the sympathy towards him while for your schoolmate that you barely knew, you will most likely have empathy only.

Emotion filled our everyday life, in every actions that we do, we did it with emotions. Good emotions are good for you life. Bad emotions, according to research, could lead into depression, and it could lower your body immunity.

To have a good emotion, we must know how to manage our emotion. Managing emotion is not as simple as it sound. Managing emotion was not done in a matter of minutes, hours or days. it took a long process and patient was the most important factor in managing emotion.

First, you need to cultivate a good value. Value is a basic convictions which have a judgmental element in it, through which people can choose personally or socially how to do things. We usually received values from parents in home which is the primary socialization, then school, friends and teacher in secondary socialization and through media and others which can be included as tertiary socialization. So we can conclude that a good values depends on a good environment. Just imagine a baby, son of a wealthy business man in US. One day somehow the baby was left with a cannibalistic tribe. So do you think the baby will become a business man or a cannibal?

We will all agree that the baby will become a cannibal because he received the values from the tribe and he feels that it's nothing wrong in it. But now let's take a look at ourselves, now that we reached an age when we can be more selective in receiving values. We can "choose" to store what values we want to store in our brain as a good value.

Values can be divided into terminal and instrument values. Terminal means the ends, what we want to have in life, for example comfortable living, success, social recognition and etc while instrumental values means the means, how we want to achieve the ends, for example, hardworking, broadminded, clean, logical, loving and etc.

So to manage emotions, we need to choose a good values such as a self respect is preferred (terminal values),then we need to respect others and have to have a self control (restrain or disciplines). for example, a manager when he was giving order to his subordinate received a negative respond from him. A failed manager will scold his subordinate or even report to the human resource management department to have him replaced. A good manager will try to controlled himself and asked himself whether the way he is giving order is respecting his/her subordinate or whether his subordinate look stress or have a family problems. A good manager will try to calm the situation. This is of course easier to said than did. Even if we are faced with this kind of conditions and still can not controlled ourselves, we must not stop trying. Nothing is impossible as long as you have the will, there'll be a way. Although no body's perfect, it does not mean that we should stop trying to be one. Like although you know everybody will died, we should not stop visit doctor when we get ill.


1 comment:

ViYa So said...

eh..wen..bagian ne "although you know everybody will died, we should not stop visit doctor when we get ill." keren !!! HAHAHA XDDD