爱不单行 (ai bu dan xing) - 羅志祥 (luo zhi xiang) lyric and English translation

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找不到人说 心里的寂寞
unable to find what they said as the loneliness in one's heart
找不到人懂 怕黑的折zhe磨muo
Unable to find what they said torment of being afraid of the dark
找不到命中注定 在一起的那个人
unable to find the one that were destined to be together with
很多人都像我 一个人过生活
Many people are like me, living this life alone

爱 只有简单笔画
Love only has a simple strokes
却比想像复fu杂zha 恨安定ding爱变化
Yet it's more complicated than thought, steadily love changes
我爱过几个人 也被爱过几遍
I'd loved some people, been loved by some people
but still unable to let happiness stay
爱 是不可数的吗
Love, can't it be counted?
为何我还相信 它不是独行侠xia
Why i still believe, it is not a sole player
我在等一个人 在等我的永恒
i am still waiting for somebody, waiting for the love of my life
告诉我 爱不单行 别害怕
Tell me, love is not a one-way, don't be afraid

用不完身边 泛滥的自由
Unable to ever utilize the freedom around
开始怕孤单 是一种诅zhu咒zou
At the beginning, afraid to loneliness - is a kind of curse
羡慕我能飞的人 为何在天黑以后
Envy people who can fly , why after being above dark sky
还是宁愿回到 爱情那个枷锁
still willing to return to chain of love

爱 只有简单笔画
Love only has a simple strokes
却比想像复fu杂zha 恨安定ding爱变化
Yet it's more complicated than thought, steadily love changes
我爱过几个人 也被爱过几遍
I'd loved some people, been loved by some people
but still unable to let happiness stay
爱 是不可数的吗
Love, can't it be counted?
为何我还相信 它不是独行侠xia
Why i still believe, it is not a sole player
我在等一个人 在等我的永恒
i am still waiting for somebody, waiting for the love of my life(eternity)
告诉我 爱不单行 别害怕
Tell me, love is not a one-way, don't be afraid

我在等一个人 在等我的永恒
告诉我 爱不单行 相信它
Tell me love is not a one-way, believe in love....

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