Predicting The Future

The world has move in such a rapid development that if you are living in the 19th or 20th Century, you just couldn't imagine that the human civilization would be like what we are having today. Slavery and discrimination which were quiet common practices in the early days has been reduced to such a small rate all around the world except some African countries. In return, we have now the term "All Human are equal", "Women emancipation", and so on and so forth.

Not only cultural factors that have shifted a lot. The technology has been moving in such a fantastic rate that it make us difficult to predict the future. Those who are optimistic, tend to predict it happen in such a wonderful fashion in relatively short time in opposite to those who are less optimistic or, let say, pessimistic.

Since the industrial revolution happened in Europe at 1817, technology has been the key factors of civil development. After that, we have what we called, TV, computer, handphone, train, bullet train, plane, jet, and automobile. It was us, human, who created those technology in the first place. This is what i termed as technology lives through human, but as the we move on through the course of civilization, we found ourselves needing technology more than technology need us. This is what i called, Human lives through technology. If you didn't believe me, try to stop using every technology in your house, from electricity, lamp, handphone, computer, internet; see how long you can survive before you actually decide to suicide!

So now, where are we going then?
I personally feels the future of technology belongs to BIOLOGY or what we termed as Biotechnology. I didn't said it on whimsical basis but rather on the signs that this field has shown in recent years. Remember the recent Biology Nobel Prize winner. They have succeeded in locating which enzyme that plays an important part during the separation of cells. This finding will enable scientist to prolonged the life of a cell and surely the life of human.

Arrogantly, i will said that these is just a preliminary development. Soon, maybe in 5-10 years, we will come up with how to grow an arm, how to detect a disease before it attack, how to map genius based on DNA and maybe even we could integrated the technology with DNA.

However, it such progress will faced many ethical issues such as when we can located those genius in some areas, will it be at the expensed of the some that are not "located" by the DNA Mapping?

Nevertheless, we will let the time answer that questions. All i know is that if biotechnology will extent the lifespan of human, no more disable person, and so on. THIS AGE OF FUTURE WILL BE CALLED THE GENOMICS AGE!

Note : Nanotechnology, Information technology, and Biotechnology will play a significant part in the future.

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